Wednesday, February 6, 2013


At breakfast Beebee was reminded of the Twilight Zone episode of the gremlin on the wing outside William Shatner's airplane window. A sound of screeching metal, apparently at water level on the outside of the ship, punctuated the breakfast table conversation. Pati suggested it was workmen beginning the ship's renovation before reaching Venice. Or maybe it was an engine problem, which this ship has had in the past. The noise did not bother the other tablemates, one couple from Houston and another couple from Manitoba. The Houston couple, still not retired, have 8 grown children and 11 grandsons. The Canadian couple have many grandchildren and a great- grandchild.


But, speaking of gremlins, not all of the elevators appear to be working (do not come at all when called). Others come but merely turn off the call button as they speed by to another deck. Pati has begun to use his hard-earned job experiences to hyjack elevators: push both the up and down buttons - if the elevator stops but in the opposite direction needed, get on anyway. If there are other people onboard, ride the wrong direction until they get off. Then go the right direction. If there is no one inside when the door opens, get in. Push the button for the deck needed. The door will close, then reopen. Then it will automatically close again and go in the proper direction.


Last night's show was a singing and dancing extravaganza. It was very well done, emphasizing well-known songs of many eras. Pati's favorite number was the Village People (YMCA) with 4 male dancers dressed appropriately, while Beebee most liked the rendition of Stayin' Alive with 8 female dancers all dressed like John Travolta (white 3-piece suits). Tonight's show is a comedy show. There are three comedians on board. One of them, Mark Evans, was also on the Carnival Pride for the Christmas cruise.


As the cruise director, Kevin Noonan ("Hello, Noonan!), said during the first night introductions, there are only 12 Americans in the 1200 member staff. Pati and Beebee have had interesting conversations with several of the staff. Last night they talked with a lady from Thailand and a man from India. They are both going directly "home" after the cruise, which means that Pati and Beebee will actually know somebody in each country as they visit it.


The sun is trying to decide whether to come out and the sky is beautiful. It's time to get back to reading. Pati is deep into 11/22/63 by Stephen King. Beebee finished The Saturday Big Tent Wedding Party by Alexander Mccall Smith last night and must choose another book to start.


Watch update: local time = EST+1