Pati and Beebee made a mistake going to Phuket, Thailand. There isn't too much wrong with it but there just isn't that much right with it either. Itis over developed and everywhere you look something else is being built. All the wonderful things on the covers of travel guides are an hour away by high speed boat. It takes an hour to get almost anywhere even though Phuket is a small island and the taxi prices are at Miami Beach levels. The beaches themselves might be beautiful if you could see them but they are entirely covered by rental chairs. This was probably a nicer place to visit last year and even nicer the year before. It is just overbuilt, overpriced, and overcrowded now.
Big Bro liked the 'zone' taxi fares of Washington D.C. in the Summer of 1975. His hotel in downtown DC and Washington National Airport (DCA) were in the same zone. Simple flat fare. No meter to worry about. Driver always took the shortest route.